Friday, March 18, 2011

Life? Don't Talk to Me About Life.

My brother sent me this message the other day to "cheer me up." "Nothing noteworthy here, but a little dreary nonetheless:

So. Yay. Also, just in case you missed it, yesterday was St. Patrick's day, when everyone is Irish except for Italians and teetotallers. Teetotallers for obvious reasons. Italians because...well, NY is a very Italian state. And the city especially. But NY has the oldest (I think) and one of the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the entirety of the New World. So there's sort of a rivalry there. As a teetotalling Italian, I was excluded. But I showed them. I ate green curry for dinner. So nyah.

Also, you may have noticed a pattern in the updates. I'm trying to force myself into a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. That's what I always wanted to do but really just wound up updating whenever I felt like it. Which for a while meant everyday. Not sure what I was thinking with that. Possibly "free time really sucks." I may end up breaking my newly established schedule anyway for another theme week. Office comedy week. What do you think?

Also, am I the only one insulted by the news? "Nuclear Melt Down Imminent!" followed immediately by "Baby Scared of Mother's Nose!" DO they have no sense of what is and isn't important? It's like some kind of SAT question. Which doesn't fit? Nuclear meltdown, the toppling of a powerful tyrant, a drought that has decimated the world's supply of wheat or some other food staple, a baby being scared of its mother's nose.

Let me tell you guys something. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I've decided to be a hermit. And possibly a Luddite.

Okay, so I'll see you all soon for Office Comedy week. You know you can always come to me for information that matters.

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