Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For those of you desperate to hear my zen thing, worry not. It'll be posted tommorow. In the meantime, I thought I'd check out what you, my readers are doing when you're not....umm, reading my blog. And let me tell you, it's no easy job trying to keep track of you lot and the myriad cool things you do. Here's just a sample of things from the other day.

First, samples of creepy-cool guy Jeremy Shipp's current book. I hadn't gotten a chance to read him before. I have some doubts about pacing, but it's just so beautifully "WTF?" You all should totally check it out.

Secondly, this budding novelist is so far ahead of the game for his age that it ain't even funny. Hell, I analyze things to death for fun and I wasn't half so dedicated to analyzing writing as this one. Keep it up, young 'un and you'll be quite a skilled writer before long.

Third, a self identified crazy person as if writers don't all have a hypersensitivity to their quirks) had a couple of really solid blog posts. One of them made me feel like I needed to rearrange my own posting schedule by deftly covering a topic I intended to revisit right arounf the same time. Thanks a lot. The other is an interview with an agent who knows what she's on about. How do I know? Because her advice to writers agrees with mine. What more sure fire test could there be?

Of course, there's a whole lot more going on than that. You lot tweet so damn much it makes my head spin. It also means I can't use my beloved "Tweeting is the natural act of the twit" joke. Lots of other good blogs and things too. Then again, for what little it's worth, I'd like to support each of your efforts, so I doubt this will be the last time I'll call focus on things you all write or call to my attention. And if there's anything you think I can help you with, my e-mail is in my profile. So don't hesitate to send me an e-mail demanding I pay you homage or whatnot. I'll help, I'll help. Just don't hurt me.

And if any of you need me (you poor bastards) I'm also availible for interviews, treasure hunts, masquerade balls/murder mysteries, performing as a magician for children's birthday parties and as a dancer for bachelorette parties. Rowr.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Robin, my dear Robin. You make me laugh so! Ms. Pande rocks and so do you. Shipp's sample pages make me shiver with delight. That dude has awesome stuff!

    I might hit you up for an interview soon, if you don't mind. I need to go heave some hypersensitivity into a bucket first. *snort snigger* I think the Dork Police just showed at my door.


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