Monday, January 17, 2011

2nd: The First Ever Serialized Adventures of You 1.1

So before I start off today burdening you with the awfulness of my writing, remember how the other day after I finished my list of top query no-nos I mused about maybe doing a list of things you should do some day? Well, with the true entrepeneurial spirit, one Crazy Writer Girl convinced me to take a stab in a guest blog for her. So check it out. For the rest of this week every day I'll post about a page of a short story I was working on a few months ago and had to abandon due to workload. Feel free to tear it apart. Indeed, in the spirit of vicious editing, and since it is mid-month, the 3rd and 7th comments on this post have an opportunity for a Let's Make a Deal editing. (Note: A single user posting multiple times in a row does not count as multiple posts towards this goal. The same poster cannot win twice 3 and 7? I just like those numbers. And stick around because next week I have a backlog of stuff I'ma review for you including (finally!) Jeremy C. Shipp's Fungus of the Heart. Finally- happy MLK day everyone. Enjoy the day off. Try not to spend the whole thing brooding, but be sure to brood a little over our history, race relations, martydom, heroics, morality, social obligations and so on.
It’s a surprisingly hot day in early autumn. The air outside is stagnant and humid and you can’t help but think that New York City at this time of year should be cooler. Back home, you think, it rarely even snowed and from the horror stories you’d heard, you thought you’d be buried in it already. But it isn’t like that at all outside. Millions of people, trash piling up on the streets, the harbor and the Hudson and the heat come together in the least pleasant way possible. The phrase “urban jungle” comes to your mind and you almost laugh. But you don’t. You’re on the subway. Nothing is funny on the subway.
If it’s hot outside it’s always twice as bad in the station. To make up for it, the MTA blasts its air conditioners all the time. The people around you are always hacking on some phlegm because of it. You look around at all these miserable people hoping to find some bit of wonder or joy left in this city. Your eyes light on a few worthwhile images. An agreeable young woman smiles brightly at you. Her face is plain, but her legs go all the way up.
“Hi, new to the city?” she asks. She must have noticed you looking around.
“Not that new.” You try to sound cool.
“You looked like you were trying to get your bearings. Anything I can help you with?” She asks.
Yes, your brain says. I’m still so overwhelmed. I could really use a friend in this big terrifying city. If you show me around, whatever we do will be my treat. What’s your cell number?
“Nah, I just don’t want to stare.” Your mouth hates you.
“Stare?” You see that the young woman is confused. “Stare at what?”
“Whatever is interesting. For example, that sour Mandy Patinkin looking accountant over there.” Don’t say it you tell your brain. Don’t you dare say it. “Or your breasts, for instance. Perfect heft, remarkable curvature. If I try not to stare, I’ll end up staring more. So I take lots of quick looks.” Damnit, you think. God fucking damnit. Couldn’t the world let you have just one? Did every opportunity have to just be bait? Why must the cosmic forces always pull the damned football away at the last second? Your ability to distinguish between what you do and what is done to you has decreased dramatically since your ill-fated move to the city which never sleeps.


  1. Is it just me or is everyone waiting until the 3rd and 7th spot are available? I couldn't stand the tension.

    It is so rare to see this type of tense used. I had no idea that I had a problem staring at breasts. Really, since I have a pair of my own, I haven't had much of an obsession with them. I do wonder if the woman will slap me in the face or offer to sleep with me. I suppose it could go either way.

    It is fun to see what you write. I am new to your blog and have enjoyed it so far.

  2. I'll post second so someone can snag the third spot. Speaking of second, you don't often see Second person point of view in fiction, so this is kind of cool. Is this a prologue that will lead into third person? Or is the whole work in second? You've done a good job with it here, so I'd be interested to see a longer snippet just to see how you carry the POV through the plot.

  3. BooYEAH Baby! bring it on!

    Loving the book GOODIES!

  4. Anonymous: You may have a point about people waiting to comment. Well, I guess this experiment failed. Glad you're enjoying the blog anyway, though.

    Emily: Plot? Oh hell. I knew I was forgetting something!

    Alyson: I guess you can send me your first twenty whenever you're ready. Will I be reading Cap'n Ted's Excellent Adventure? Also, assigned pirate reading: Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists by Gideon Defoe.

  5. I liked it. Liked the legs that went all the way up! Good yummy line. Crap-ola man. Now I gotta avoid being 3rd and 7th so I don't won any more edits. Either that or I need to start ANOTHER novel for you to take a stab at. *weighing my options*

  6. "Your mouth hates you." Love that line (made me snicker...especially since I was just thinking the same thing)

    BTW...found your blog thru Crazy Writer Girl and at the risk of sounding Jerry Maguire cheesy, "You had me at 'two peas in a haughty asshole pod'(Rage On post)"

  7. Glad you're enjoying it. I promise I'll always be as silly and offensive as I was then, so stick around.


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