Friday, April 22, 2011

Night of the Living Debt Part X

"Goddamnit." Justice muttered as she watched Duane depart from the same deli that gouged her so often in the past. From the rooftop of a near building, Justice had been listening to the proceedings and trying to keep her hair out of her face. She could only imagine the disgusting happiness and elation on the slimy bastard's face.

"You owe me fifty bucks." Her canine companion chided her, brushing up beside her silently.

"The hell I do. Double or nothing."

"Hey look, I don't want to leave you in the poor house." The Wolf-Dog said defensively. "Maybe you should…"

"Double or nothing." Justice repeated in a low, slow tone.

"Alright,." The Wolf-Dog said slowly. "It's your money, sister. Next week, Duane Vs. Roy Baumann Junior. Does that sound good?"

"You're on, mutt. Prepare to lose." With that, Justice slowly began inching her way towards the edge of the rooftop. As she put her leg over the side it disappeared into thin air as she slid back into their own world.

"Would it be okay if I prepared to win instead?" The Wolf-Dog asked the empty air before following his master back home.
So that's it. Night of the Living Debt is finally over. If you've been biting your tonge but have things to say, positive or negative, I'd appreciate your feedback.

I also apologize for how long some of those posts ran. The story was longer than I remembered it and if I stuck to a page per post it would've been three weeks instead of two.

And for those interested, this is the story behind Living Debt. I guess it must've been around 1998 when I first thought of this story, because I was in 8th grade when I first started listening to They Might Be Giants. Some time in college I thought to myself that it would be pretty neat to write an entire collection of short stories based on their songs, one per album moving through it chronologically. The first 2/3rds of the story was written in 2007 before I decided that it sucks and therefore I must be a sucky person and it wasn't going to work. The last few pages were made in 2008. I went to an entire series of TMBG concerts and intended to toss it up at them as a sample but I wussed out ostensibly because the story wasn't "ready" yet. The sad part is that given TMBG's history of very strange but very effective self promotion, if I were half as good at writing as editing, I bet that they would not only give approval for the project but help promote it. If any of you thieves out there make this work, I want in on the project. Capiche?

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