Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sake Battered Chicken Fried Sushi

I direct your attention to this lovely little comic or LLC for short. I'm pretty sure no one's using that acronym yet. Well, other than limited liability corporations or whatever. They can't be that common.

The comic first came to my attention by way of the Japandamonium segment of, a video game news site. I bring it to yours because apparently its creator was blown away that someone reviewed the comic and in the on-site "rant" more or less told his readers to feel free and do more of that.

Sure. I'm game. Here's your review, from the one website less read than yours-

"It's pretty good, I guess."

Seriously though, it's about an African American who goes to Japan to teach English and his various misadventures trying to figure things out on the other side of the Pacific. The art is fine, the humor is slightly less bland than a syndicated newspaper comic, but nothing special. The real reason to read it if you have, are considering, or know well someone who is or has taught English as a foreign language in another country. That's why I read it. I too taught English in Japan and my experience were largely similar to the character in the story, so I can vouch for their relative authenticity. I guess I got fewer stares, being a white man in Osaka than the Main character of Fried Chicken and Sushi gets as an African American in the countryside, but this was more than made up for by the fact that my company was awful. And he can complain all he wants about Cicadas. I dealt with 'em too. And on weekends, they got into shouting matches with the little leaguers or whatever or had a field behind my apartment building who shouted mantras and chants and slogans ten hours a day. And then behind that was something even worse. Well technically behind that was a fire department, which wasn't so bad. But behind THAT was the landing strip for Itami international airport. I swear I thought sometimes those planes were gonna hit my building. And I lived on the top floor. Hooray.

Oh well, if you're the kind of person who might like to give teaching abroad a whirl, it's worth checking Fried Chicken and Sushi out, although from experience, nothing can prepare you for the true horror of the job.

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